Our Purpose


We believe Jesus Christ instructed us to preach the Good News to all creation and to love and care for each other (Mark 16:15). Therefore, we are committed to meeting the needs of individuals, families and communities, regardless of age and background.

Our Purpose:

  1. Teaching and preaching on the love of God displayed in the Bible.
  2. Conducting worship, communion, baptismal and ceremonial services on a regular basis, both in English and Tamil. This includes services during the Easter and Christmas season.
  3. Meeting the needs of those less well off in the community by visiting, befriending and relieving those who are in hardship; and conducting weekly local prayer groups.
  4. Ministering and visiting senior citizens of the community, including local care homes, and catering for their every need.
  5. Supporting the local community in language skills, such as English and Tamil at GCSE level.
  6. Partnering with churches and organisations worldwide to work together and co-operate with one another in order to keep oneness within the Christian community; and to achieve a common goal of sharing the love of God.
  7. Bringing unity amongst ethnicities by conducting cross cultural events.
  8. Providing provision, sharing the gospel and bringing hope to families in poverty and countries affected by natural disasters.
  9. Guiding children in seeking an active and rewarding relationship with God; and encouraging spiritual growth through the provision of Sunday School, Vacation Bible School and events.
  10. Organising medical lectures with doctors and specialised nurses to educate the general public and members of the church on maintaining a healthy mental and physical well-being.
  11. Offering pastoral care and support to the bereaved, sick, disabled and homeless.
  12. Providing counselling and promoting life skills for children, youth, young adults and married couples.
  13. Training and equipping members of the church for evangelistic outreach.
  14. Connecting people to churches near their local area, and holding regular theological studies for people of all ages to enhance their knowledge of the Christian faith.
  15. Conducting monthly and weekly sessions such as women’s prayer group, men’s prayer group, life groups, fasting and prayer, missionary outreach, all-night prayer and 24 hour prayer chain.
  16. Leading annual events such as beach trips, barbeque and fairs, sports days, day trips, summer camps, conferences and workshops to build social connections and promote Christian values.